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Featured ideas 🦄 are rare ideas you may not have seen before ;-)
💡 Ideas and tips
Header banners
🦄 Embed a product finder in the hero banner 🦄 Try a 2-step promoted attribute filter flow 🦄 Embed a “shop the look” shelf 🦄 Link to FAQ accordion modal from hero banner 🦄 Animated category tiles Try value prop illustrations Feature expert staff photo + quote Test a featured customer review Promote filters to the banner with CTA buttons Try a live help CTA in your header Subcategory tiles
Use full-page or hybrid tile layouts 🦄 Try tabbed navigation with graphic tiles 🦄 Try scrolling category tiles 🦄 Try end-of-grid category tiles 🦄 Try an animated slide-in Grid style
In-grid banners
Place static banners inside the product grid (6 examples inside👇) Try an animated banner in product grid (4 examples inside👇) 🦄 Use negative space to highlight value props 🦄 Try an animated banner inside the filter sidebar 🦄 Try a “feeling lucky” tile 🦄 Try cross-selling ‘for them’ categories during holiday 🫣 Cautions
Avoid full-width in-grid banners Back to Category page ideas
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